Everything Happens for a Reason

Last Tuesday I woke up for my normal morning ritual. Alarm sounds at 6:20 am. Brush teeth. Drink a large glass of lukewarm lemon water. Foam roller for two minutes. Put on yoga clothes, shoes and socks. Out the door at 6:30 am for morning hike.

Last Tuesday was different though. I stopped at the front door and looked over my shoulder to what sounded like a sprinkler going off in my house. Confused, I followed the sound and opened my guest bedroom. My jaw dropped to the view of a broken pipe shooting water to the ceiling and raining down on the bed. Frozen, I ran outside to shut off the water. The room had flooded and had I not woken up when I did, the entire house would have been a flood zone!

The universe has an interesting way of throwing curve balls when least expected. I purchased this house three months ago with the intention of leading weekly themed yoga retreats. Nestled in the mountains with 360 views of nature’s serenity, the house is the perfect location to unplug. I anticipated my first launch date to be in September, but with the pipe burst that seemed like a far off stretch.

The past year of my life has been a huge transition. With a shift in careers and overall life priorities I have learned that everything happens for a reason, however negative the situation may seem in that moment. So instead of having a plan for everything and dwelling or questioning why things pan out the way they do, I have made the conscious effort to trust the universe and enjoy journey. Even when that journey includes bumps along the way!

One week later I sit here with my mantra, “I have the power to put my thoughts into actions and cease every opportunity that comes my way to bring about positive change.” Be aligned with the vision you have and manifest your true destiny because when you change your outlook on life, you change your mindset for the better.

I challenge you to do the same-Cleanse any negative thoughts from your life and build on positivity. The moment you change your mindset is the moment you elevate your energy and channel a life of abundance, happiness and awaken to a higher level of consciousness.