“The secret of happiness is simple: find out what you truly love to do then direct all your energy towards doing it. Once you do this, abundance flows into your life and all your desires are filled with ease and grace.”- Robin Sharma
This quote truly resonates with me during this time of transition. Transitioning out of a stressful job into one that keeps me balanced, one that keeps me passionate and one that makes me feel in my element. I have found that teaching yoga and helping others is my dharma, my calling in life. On my travels to New York I connected with a friend from college I haven’t seen in years. She asked what my parents think of my transition from real estate into yoga and if they are supportive of the change. Through my yoga retreats, my enrollment at Loyola Marymount University for my Masters in Yoga Therapy, and my drive and networking in gaining more private clients, I have proven to my parents how serious I am about the transition and how happy it makes me. They have over time become supportive and after I returned home from leading my last yoga retreat in Costa Rica, my mom even suggested building a yoga deck on their property in addition to holding my own international yoga retreats in the Dominican Republic, a place we frequently vacation together as a family.
I have also realized with time that I don’t care what people think about my career change. If I had a dollar for every time I was shot down telling someone I want to be a full time yoga therapist or a dollar for every time I was told I couldn’t make a comfortable living from it, I would be rich by now. In the end, it just sparks an even deeper motivation for me to succeed and prove everyone wrong. I am not concerned with the judgment of others as long as I know what I’m doing in my heart is right. I have realized that it doesn’t matter what other people say or think, but what is important is what positive things you say to yourself. In the end, the quality of your thinking determines the quality of your life. What I do know is that I am richer than anyone one of those people who don’t lead a life sparked by passion.