"Surround yourself with love. Protect your heart with peace. Live your life in light"
This quote really resonates with me at this moment in time. I'm experiencing quite a few lifetransitions all at once, which is never easy to deal with. It's no joke when they say, "when it rains, it pours." In work, in personal life and in relationships- everything has suddenly shaken up. As a society, we are so use to daily routine and what is comfortable, so when things begin to go off the beaten path, we feel like our world is crumbling. I, however, refuse to think that way and am rather using this opportunity for self-reflection and exploration. My intention is take this as a sign from the universe and guide my life in the right direction. Everything around us is made up of energy so in order to attract positive things in life, we have to start by giving off positive energy.
So here I am- stepping outside my comfort zone and letting you all in on my life through this transitional state and blogging along the journey. I intend to focus on myself and surround myself with love. I have started this website and blog so you can follow me on my adventures through my passion of travel, yoga & teaching- all the things I LOVE!!! My only hope is to build inspiration and curiosity within all my readers so that you too can live your life in light! Namaste