Yoga Career- One Year Later

It’s officially been a year since I fully stepped away from my career in real estate to pursue my passion of teaching yoga. I can’t stress enough how happy I am with where I am at, but when I look back on this past year, the path to get here was far from easy. I wish I would have made the transition earlier but the biggest thing holding me back was my own FEARFalse. Evidence. Appearing. Real.

-Am I good enough of a teacher?

-Can I really create my own business and be my own boss?

-Is this career sustainable for the lifestyle I’m used to?

Like many of us, my thoughts got the best of me and it wasn’t until I hired a life coach and someone to hold me accountable to my own goals that I was able to create the life I truly wanted to live.

To give you a little background if you haven't read my previous blog posts, I started working in real estate after I graduated from college. I fell into the industry and over a span of six years became successful in a career that was eating away at my personal happiness. Stress, Anxiety, long hours and lack of sleep were just a few of my every day issues I was plagued with. The more I practiced and taught yoga, the more I wanted that to be my life. But how could I sustain the lifestyle I was used to through teaching yoga? I had to really sit down and evaluate my life, my spending, and my priorities to make changes according to what was important in my life.

I wanted to be my own boss, set my own schedule, travel without requesting time off, have a positive impact on peoples lives and lead an overall healthy and happy lifestyle. These were my priorities; so I began to work backwards starting with my financials. How much money did I need to earn monthly to lead a comfortable life? How many private yoga clients would that entail teaching a week, how many local retreats would I need to teach, and could I find corporations or businesses to teach yoga and meditation? Once I got a tangible feel for all that I began marketing myself. I built a website, distributed emails to my network and utilized social media to spread the word of my career change and yoga services.

What’s holding you back from living the life YOU want to live?! If I managed to mold a life I always dreamed, then so can you!