Breakout to Atlanta

I just returned from one of the most inspirational weekends in Atlanta comprised of a group of 225 entrepreneurs who do social good from all across the United States. I can't stress enough how motivational of a weekend it was! From hearing Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed speak, to visiting the Civil Rights Museum, to learning about the Ron Clark Academy, to engaging in conversations with fellow Breakers, my heart is extremely full. Besides running on very little sleep and rather pure adrenaline, this weekend sparked passion and a desire to give back on a deeper rooted level. I am extremely grateful for the experience and what I gained from it. 

My intention going into the weekend was to connect to people and my intention half way through the weekend was never to settle. Never to settle in personal relationships, in a career, in giving back to the community, and most importantly never settling in life. One of our first group activities was walking in a room filled with red balloons and choosing pictures that most resonated. My first picture was a beautiful picture of mountains and nature, my second photo was a badass woman wearing boxing gloves, and the third was a coffee mug with the words “never settle” written on it, which is how my new intention came to fruition. Through the emotional highs and lows of the trip I realized a lot of things. The importance of education in this world and supporting children at a young age, the significance of being passionate about what you do in life and having a positive impact on people around you. 

One of the most heartfelt stories from the weekend was from two women Audrie and Daisy who were both sexually assaulted at the young age of 14. A decade later, they released a Netflix documentary exploring rape, trauma and the world of social media. They turned a negative experience into a positive one with the foundation SafeBAE, which works to prevent sexual assault in schools through consent education and student awareness. This is just one example of the many people at Breakout who positively impact the world and give back to society. 

The relationships and friendships I made this weekend will be lifelong. I highly recommend Breakout to anyone who wants to connect and be inspired with the most badass people and ignite a spark in their life. I look forward to the next Breakout!